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Implications of Riparian Management Strategies on Wood Streams of the Pacific Northwest (Meleason et al, 2003)


Riparian forest management plans for numerous regions throughout the world must consider long-term supply of wood to streams. The simulation model OSU STREAMWOOD was used to evaluate the potential effects of riparian management scenarios on the standing stock of wood in a hypothetical stream in the Pacific Northwest, USA. OSU STREAMWOOD simulates riparian forest growth, tree entry (including breakage), and inchannel processes (log breakage, movement, and decomposition). Results of three simulation scenarios are reported. The first scenario assessed total wood volume in the channel from Douglas-fir plantations clearcut to the stream bank using three rotation periods (60, 90, and [...]

Implications of Riparian Management Strategies on Wood Streams of the Pacific Northwest (Meleason et al, 2003)2022-06-28T13:42:05+00:00

Residence Time & Seasonal Movements of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Miller, 2003)


The juvenile life history of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in the stream2estuary ecotone of Winchester Creek, South Slough, Oregon, was investigated in 1999–2001. Seines and a rotary screw trap were used to capture fish for dye-marking, and residence time within the ecotone was determined for recaptured marked fish. In the lower estuary, ultrasonic transmitters were used to document residence time and patterns of movement for smolts migrating to the ocean. Nearly half of each brood year moved to the estuary as subyearlings. A portion of age-0 juveniles that moved downstream during spring lived in the ecotone through summer for [...]

Residence Time & Seasonal Movements of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Miller, 2003)2022-06-28T13:49:33+00:00

Viable Salmonid Populations Unit Recovery (NOAA, 2000)


This document introduces the viable salmonid population (VSP) concept, identifies VSP attributes, and provides guidance for determining the conservation status of populations and larger-scale groupings of Pacific salmonids. The concepts outlined here are intended to serve as the basis for a general approach to performing salmonid conservation assessments. As a specific application, the VSP approach is intended help in the establishment of Endangered Species Act (ESA) delisting goals. This will aid in the formulation of recovery plans and can serve as interim guidance until such plans are completed. VIEW PDF

Viable Salmonid Populations Unit Recovery (NOAA, 2000)2022-06-28T13:45:42+00:00

A Habitat-Based Assessment of Coho Salmon Production Potential and Spawner Escapement Needs for Oregon Coastal Streams (Nickelson, 1998)


The Coho Salmon Management Plan (ODFW 1982) identified production goals and spawner escapement goals for wild coastal coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Because of a number of factors, including unfavorable marine survival, the production goals have never been realized and the escapement goals have seldom been achieved. Much new information is now available about the factors affecting production of coho salmon and the effects of natural weather cycles on salmon production. The interactions between freshwater and marine survival of coho salmon are of particular interest to the development of realistic production and escapement goals for wild fish. VIEW PDF [...]

A Habitat-Based Assessment of Coho Salmon Production Potential and Spawner Escapement Needs for Oregon Coastal Streams (Nickelson, 1998)2022-06-28T13:39:15+00:00

Freshwater Climate Effects on Aquatic Riparian Ecosystems (Mulholland et al, 1997)


This Phase 1 draft final report provides a first-ever compilation of what is known—and not known— about climate change effects on freshwater aquatic and riparian ecosystems in the geographic extent of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funded this report to help inform members of the newly established NPLCC as they assess priorities and begin operations. Production of this report was guided by University of Washington‘s Climate Impacts Group and information was drawn from more than 250 documents and more than 100 interviews. A final report will be published in 2012 following [...]

Freshwater Climate Effects on Aquatic Riparian Ecosystems (Mulholland et al, 1997)2022-06-28T13:53:28+00:00

Seasonal changes in habitat use by Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Oregon Coastal Streams


Habitat use by juverli le coho salmon (Bnsorhynchus kisutch) during spring, summer, and winter was examined in Oregon coastal streams. Coho salmon fry were most abundant in backwater pools during spring. During summer, juvenile coho salmon were more abundant in pols sf alB types than they were in glides or riffles. During winter, juvenile coho salmon were most abundant in alcoves and beaver ponds. Because of the apparent strong preference for alcove and beaver pond habitat during winter and the rarity of that habitat in coastal streams, we concluded that if spawning escapement is adequate, the production of wild coho [...]

Seasonal changes in habitat use by Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Oregon Coastal Streams2022-06-28T13:55:18+00:00

Life History of Coho Salmon (Sandercock, 1991)


COHO SALMON were first described by Walbaum in 1792 as Salmo kisutch, the specific name being the vernacular for coho in Kamchatka, ussR (McPhail and Lindsey 1970). Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch), one of the seven recognized species of Pacific salmon belonging to the genus Oncorhynchus, are widely distributed in commercially harvestable quantities throughout their natural range, from the Soviet Far East around the Bering Sea, to Alaska, and south along the North American coast to California (Hart 1973). During the 1970s the world catch of all Pacific salmon averaged just over 400 million kg annually and of this total, approximately [...]

Life History of Coho Salmon (Sandercock, 1991)2022-06-28T13:50:07+00:00
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