Severe scouring from splash damming was one of the earliest reported forms of widespread anthropogenic disturbance in streams of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Splash damming was a common method of log transport in western Oregon from the 1880s through the 1950s. Before being released in large freshets to downstream lumber mills, water and logs were stored in reservoirs behind splash dams. Further protocol called for dynamiting downstream obstacles such as large boulders and natural logjams. In recent literature, the legacy effect of historical splash damming is proposed as contributing to currently poor habitat conditions for lotic species, such as Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), but this has never been formally evaluated at a regional scale. In this study, all known splash-dam sites and log drives in western Oregon were recorded in a geo-database and mapped in ArcGIS 9.3 at the 1:24,000 scale. Splash-dam sites were located through intense archival, historical aerial photograph and field searches.