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Modeling of Summer Weight Abundance of Juvenile Coho Salmon Across a Stream Network (Ebersole, 2009)


Spatial variation in stream habitat quality can lead to network-level patterns in the survival and growth of juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch that provide important insights into the factors influencing the freshwater population dynamics of this species. Our objectives were to quantify the relationships among summer habitat conditions, coho salmon density, and coho salmon parr abundance and weight across an extensive stream network over 3 years. We used hierarchical linear models to assess the factors influencing coho salmon weight and abundance at the levels of individual fish (fork length and parasite burden), habitat unit (surface area, cover, and density), [...]

Modeling of Summer Weight Abundance of Juvenile Coho Salmon Across a Stream Network (Ebersole, 2009)2022-06-28T13:49:58+00:00

Estuarine Rearing Strategy Promoting Resilience in Coho Salmon (Koski, 2009)


Adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) typically enter small coastal streams or tributaries of larger rivers in fall and usually ascend to the headwaters to spawn enabling their progeny to fill habitats throughout the system. Conventional understanding of coho salmon life history presumes that, following emergence from the redd in spring, coho fry take up residency in the stream for a year or more before migrating to sea in spring as smolts (Sandercock 1991). However, large numbers of fry (age 0, 1st year of life), typically move downstream following emergence. Chapman (1962) first coined the term “nomads” referring to those [...]

Estuarine Rearing Strategy Promoting Resilience in Coho Salmon (Koski, 2009)2022-06-28T13:50:46+00:00

Social Ecological Resilience in Salmon Ecosystems (Bottom et al, 2009)


Fishery management programs designed to control Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) for optimum production have failed to prevent widespread fish population decline and have caused greater uncertainty for salmon, their ecosystems, and the people who depend upon them. In this special feature introduction, we explore several key attributes of ecosystem resilience that have been overlooked by traditional salmon management approaches. The dynamics of salmon ecosystems involve social–ecological interactions across multiple scales that create difficult mismatches with the many jurisdictions that manage fisheries and other natural resources. Of particular importance to ecosystem resilience are large-scale shifts in oceanic and climatic regimes [...]

Social Ecological Resilience in Salmon Ecosystems (Bottom et al, 2009)2022-06-28T13:51:55+00:00

Biological Recovery Criteria Report for Oregon Coast Coho (NOAA, 2008)


This document outlines biological recovery criteria (also called viability criteria) for the Oregon Coast Coho Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) as identified in the NOAA Fisheries Service status review for West Coast coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) (Weitkamp et al. 1995). This report was developed by the Oregon Coast Workgroup (“the workgroup” or “we”) of the Oregon and Northern California Coasts (ONCC) Technical Recovery Team (TRT). VIEW PDF

Biological Recovery Criteria Report for Oregon Coast Coho (NOAA, 2008)2022-06-28T13:45:58+00:00

Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan (OR Fish & Wildlife Commission, 2007)


The purpose of this Conservation Plan is to ensure the continued viability of the Oregon Coast Coho Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU) and to achieve a desired status that provides substantial ecological and societal benefits. The Oregon Coast Coho ESU is viable (see Table 2; State of Oregon 2005) and does not currently require protection under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) (NOAA Fisheries 2006). The current status of this ESU reflects a reduction in fishery harvest, improved hatchery management, and extensive habitat restoration work initiated or maintained under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds (Oregon Plan). This Conservation [...]

Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan (OR Fish & Wildlife Commission, 2007)2022-06-28T13:48:34+00:00

Coho Salmon Life History Patterns in the Pacific Northwest California (Lestelle, 2007)


In 1997 coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Klamath River basin, as part of the Southern Oregon Northern California Coasts evolutionary significant unit (SONCC Coho ESU), were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) cited water management, water quality, loss of habitat, overfishing, and other factors as causing a serious decline of the species within this ESU. VIEW PDF

Coho Salmon Life History Patterns in the Pacific Northwest California (Lestelle, 2007)2022-06-28T13:51:41+00:00

Juvenile Coho Salmon Growth Survival Across Stream Network Seasonal Habitats (Ebersole et al, 2006)


Understanding watershed-scale variation in juvenile salmonid survival and growth can provide insights into factors influencing demographics and can help target restoration and mitigation efforts for imperiled fish populations. We assessed growth, movement, and apparent overwinter survival of individually tagged juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in a coastal Oregon watershed from June 2002 to June 2003 and related growth and survival parameters to stream characteristics. Fall body size of juvenile coho salmon was a good predictor of smolt size and survival, but smolt size was also influenced by overwintering location. This was due to strong spatial patterns in winter growth [...]

Juvenile Coho Salmon Growth Survival Across Stream Network Seasonal Habitats (Ebersole et al, 2006)2022-06-28T13:50:24+00:00

The Effects of Temperature on Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon, and Chinook Salmon Biology and Function by Life Stage (Carter, 2005)


Temperature is one of the most important environmental influences on salmonid biology. Most aquatic organisms, including salmon and steelhead, are poikilotherms, meaning their temperature and metabolism is determined by the ambient temperature of water. Temperature therefore influences growth and feeding rates, metabolism, development of embryos and alevins, timing of life history events such as upstream migration, spawning, freshwater rearing, and seaward migration, and the availability of food. Temperature changes can also cause stress and lethality (Ligon et al. 1999). Temperatures at sub-lethal levels can effectively block migration, lead to reduced growth, stress fish, affect reproduction, inhibit smoltification, create disease [...]

The Effects of Temperature on Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon, and Chinook Salmon Biology and Function by Life Stage (Carter, 2005)2022-06-28T13:44:31+00:00

Appendix to the Oregon Coastal Coho Conservation Management Plan (OR Fish & Wildlife, 2004)


Early in 2004, the State of Oregon and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) joined together to engage in a collaborative project to address the conservation of coastal coho on the Oregon Coast. The primary objectives of the project, presented at the formation meeting of the Stakeholder Team... VIEW PDF

Appendix to the Oregon Coastal Coho Conservation Management Plan (OR Fish & Wildlife, 2004)2022-06-28T13:45:34+00:00
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