Ecosystem Development Variations in a Pacific Northwest Tidal Wetland Restoration Project (Janousek et al, 2021)
How Value Conflicts Infected the Science of Riparian Restoration for Endangered Salmon Habitat the Pacific Northwest (Chapman et al, 2020)
Comparing Historical Losses of Forested, Scrub-shrub, & Emergent Tidal Wetlands on the Oregon Coast (Brophy, 2019)
Stream Conditions after 18 Years of Passive Riparian Restoration in Small Fish-Bearing Watersheds (Martens et al, 2019)
Landslides Drive Variability in Valley Width & Increase Connectivity of Salmon Habitat in the Oregon Coast Range (Beeson et al, 2018)
Modeling Potential for Beaver Habitat to Inform Restoration & Climate Change Adaptation (Dittbrenner et al, 2018)
Legal Ecotones: A Riparian Analysis of Riparian Policy Protection in the Oregon Coast Range (Boisjolie et al, 2017)
Incorporating Food Web Dynamics into Ecological Restoration for River Ecosystems (Bellmore et al, 2017)
Summer Streamflow Deficits from Regenerating Douglas‐fir Forest in the Pacific Northwest (Perry & Jones, 2016)
Ecosystem Experiment Reveals Benefits of Natural & Simulated Beaver Dams to a Threatened Population of Steelhead (Bouwes et al, 2016)
Historical Splash-dam Mapping & Stream Disturbance Detection in the Oregon Coastal Province (Miller, 2010)
Freshwater Ecosystems & Resilience of Pacific Salmon: Habitat Management Based on Natural Variability (Bisson et al, 2009)
The Effects of Temperature on Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon, and Chinook Salmon Biology and Function by Life Stage (Carter, 2005)
Implications of Riparian Management Strategies on Wood Streams of the Pacific Northwest (Meleason et al, 2003)