Relationship Between Hydro-regime and Coho Salmon Redd Construction in the Smith River, Oregon (Butler et al, 2021)
Spatial Pattern of Fall Movement of Juvenile Coho Salmon in the West Fork Smith River, Oregon (Hance et al, 2016)
Juvenile Coho Salmon Diet in Brackish Freshwater Habitats in the Stream Estuaries of Coos Bay, Oregon (Mackereth, 2016)
Geographic Variation in Environmental Factors Outmigration Timing of Coho Salmon Smolts (Spence, 2014)
A Habitat-Based Assessment of Coho Salmon Production Potential and Spawner Escapement Needs for Oregon Coastal Streams (Nickelson, 1998)
Seasonal changes in habitat use by Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Oregon Coastal Streams